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  • Project Objective: The objective of the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) project is to design and implement a secure and efficient electronic voting system using Arduino and face recognition technology. This system aims to streamline the voting process, enhance security, and prevent duplicate votes and unauthorized access.
  • Project Components:
  • Hardware:
    • Arduino: The Arduino microcontroller serves as the core of the system, managing all the hardware components and interfacing with the software.
    • Buzzer: A buzzer is used to provide auditory feedback to the voter after their vote is successfully cast.
    • Switch: A physical switch can be used to trigger the voting process, ensuring it is controlled and secure.
    • LCD 16×2: The LCD display is used to provide information to voters and display messages throughout the voting process.
  • Additional Hardware:
    • Face Recognition Module: The project incorporates a face recognition module, which captures and verifies the voter’s identity through facial recognition.
  • Project Workflow:
  • Initialization: When the system is powered on, it initializes and waits for user input.
  • Voter Authentication: To cast a vote, a voter must stand in front of the face recognition module. The system captures the voter’s face and matches it with a database of registered voters.
  • Valid Voter: If the voter is recognized and matches a registered voter, they are granted access to cast their vote. Otherwise, access is denied.
  • Voting Process: The LCD 16×2 displays the list of candidates, and the voter selects their preferred candidate using the switch.
  • Vote Casting: After the voter makes their selection, the system records their vote and ensures that duplicate votes are not accepted.
  • Confirmation: A confirmation message is displayed on the LCD, and a buzzer sounds to indicate that the vote has been successfully cast.
  • Data Storage: The system stores the vote securely and maintains a record of all votes cast.
  • End of Voting: Once the voting process is complete, the system can provide the final tally of votes.
  • Project Features:
  • Face Recognition: The system ensures that only authorized voters can cast their votes by using facial recognition technology.
  • Duplicate Vote Prevention: It prevents duplicate votes from the same individual.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The LCD display and physical switch make the system easy for voters to use.
  • Secure Data Storage: Votes are stored securely, maintaining the integrity of the election.
  • Project Benefits:
  • Enhanced Security: The project enhances the security and accuracy of the voting process by using face recognition and preventing duplicate votes.
  • Efficiency: It streamlines the voting process, reducing the time required to cast a vote.
  • Transparency: The system provides a transparent and tamper-proof record of all votes cast.
  • Project Conclusion: The Electronic Voting Machine project using Arduino and face recognition technology is designed to improve the voting process’s efficiency, security, and transparency. It provides a reliable and secure platform for conducting elections, ensuring that only eligible voters can cast their votes and preventing any fraudulent activities.

Software Require:

  • You need to install the Proteus 8.9 version in your laptop.

Project Code:

  • Download project code from below button. If you want to understand code explanations then please watch YouTube video.

YouTube Video:

  • If you want to understand how to connect hardware with Arduino,
  • And Program explanation for this project,
  • And how to do this project by yourself then please watch our YouTube video.

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