Objective: The objective of this project is to establish a bidirectional communication link between an Arduino Uno and a mobile application using the MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol over WiFi. The Arduino Uno will be equipped with an ESP8266 WiFi module to enable wireless connectivity.
Components Required:
Arduino Uno
ESP8266 WiFi Module (such as ESP-01 or ESP-12E)
USB Cable for Arduino Uno
Jumper wires
Mobile device (Android/iOS) with MQTT client application installed
Project Overview: In this project, we will configure the Arduino Uno along with the ESP8266 WiFi module to connect to a WiFi network. Once connected, the Arduino will subscribe to a specific MQTT topic to receive commands or data from a mobile application. Additionally, it will publish data to another MQTT topic to send information to the mobile application. The mobile application will act as an MQTT client, capable of both publishing and subscribing to MQTT topics.
Implementation Steps:
Setting up the Hardware:
Connect the ESP8266 WiFi module to the Arduino Uno using jumper wires. Ensure that you connect the required pins (TX, RX, VCC, GND) appropriately.
Power the Arduino Uno using a USB cable connected to your computer or a power source.
Installing MQTT Library for Arduino:
Install the MQTT library for Arduino (such as PubSubClient) using the Arduino Library Manager.
Configuring ESP8266:
Write a sketch for the Arduino Uno that initializes the ESP8266 module and connects it to the WiFi network. You will need to specify the SSID and password of your WiFi network in the sketch.
Implementing MQTT Communication:
Write code to establish an MQTT connection with a broker (such as Mosquitto or HiveMQ). Specify the broker’s IP address or domain name and the port number.
Subscribe to a specific MQTT topic to receive commands or data from the mobile application.
Publish data to another MQTT topic to send information to the mobile application.
Developing the Mobile Application:
Develop a mobile application (Android/iOS) capable of MQTT communication. You can use MQTT client libraries or frameworks to simplify implementation.
Configure the mobile application to connect to the same MQTT broker used by the Arduino Uno.
Implement functionality to publish messages to the topic subscribed by the Arduino and subscribe to the topic where Arduino publishes data.
Testing and Deployment:
Upload the Arduino sketch to the Arduino Uno and ensure that it connects to the WiFi network and MQTT broker successfully.
Install the mobile application on your device and verify that it can send messages to the Arduino and receive responses.
Conclusion: By completing this project, you will have successfully implemented MQTT communication between an Arduino Uno with an ESP8266 WiFi module and a mobile application. This setup can be further extended for various IoT applications such as home automation, environmental monitoring, and remote control systems.
Project Code:
Download project code from below button.
If you want to understand code explanations then please watch YouTube video
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