Bluetooth-Controlled Robot Using Arduino

Project Overview

This project involves designing and implementing a Bluetooth-controlled robot using an Arduino microcontroller. The robot is remotely controlled via a mobile app that communicates with the Arduino through a Bluetooth connection. Users can navigate the robot in multiple directions: forward, backward, left, right, and stop.

Components Used

  • Arduino Uno – The main microcontroller for processing commands.
  • L298 Motor Driver – Controls the motors and regulates power.
  • HC-05 Bluetooth Module – Enables wireless communication between the mobile app and Arduino.
  • Robotic Chassis – Provides the base structure for mounting all components.
  • DC Motors – Drive the robot’s movement.

Working Principle

  1. The mobile app sends movement commands via Bluetooth.
  2. The HC-05 module receives these commands and transmits them to the Arduino.
  3. The Arduino processes the command and controls the L298 motor driver accordingly.
  4. The motor driver directs the DC motors to move in the specified direction.


  • Wireless control using a smartphone.
  • Simple and responsive movement controls.
  • Compact and easy-to-assemble robotic design.
  • Can be expanded with additional sensors for obstacle detection.

Project Code:

  • Download project code from below button.
  • If you want to understand code explanations then please watch YouTube video.

Click here to download code

YouTube Video:

  • If you want to understand how to connect hardware with Arduino,
  • And Program explanation for this project,
  • And how to do this project by yourself then please watch our YouTube video.

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  • We do not encourage any student to purchase a readymade project from us. Our mission is to give complete knowledge free of cost.
  • So from our end we already provide code and detailed steps to create this project by yourself in our YouTube video.
  • So if you want to save your money then watch our video and follow the steps that are mentioned in the video.
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